Tag Archives: ESPACE POP

Christina Julien POP-UP / ESPACE POP

Christina Julien / Pop-Up

Although you wouldn’t be able to guess, we were actually in the very first days of spring in this photo.  We were greeted by a nice snowy morning on the Saturday of the Pop-Up but inside it was all spring vibes especially with the flowers & lemonade.  Our very first Pop-Up Shop went very well! Thank you to everyone who came by for a visit!

The short film displayed during the weekend was made possible thanks to my great team. The fine Ayam and Svet for modelling & acting, Karina for styling, to Martin for the music & direction, and the great help of Ismael and Marie.

Christina Julien / Pop-Up

Christina Julien / Pop-Up

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset

Christina Julien / Pop-Up

Christina Julien / Pop-UpChristina Julien / Pop-Up

Thanks Espace POP for the great space! I wish I could move in!


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